Seattle's got A LOT of snow since last Saturday. It will be snow more tomorrow. I'm so glad I don't need to go school and work tomorrow. Drive safe if you live around North Seattle. Mojo just plays with snow today as well. We went to the park and saw many kids with sliders. I ran into the neighbor of Shiba-inu: Hacchi. He is 7 year old and doesn't like young dog like Mojo.. Mojo is still child and has energy much, so Hacchi and Mojo haven't played together yet. I wish I could take a photo with both together. Sometime:)
萌女 / Mojo
家から公園へ / Home to the park
雪合戦 / Snow fighting
近所の柴仲間と遭遇 (ハチ7歳)
Hacchi 7 year old
Mojo 1 year and 4 months
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