私は、ベルビューカレッジのインテリアデザイン科に所属しています。アメリカの学校は正月は殆ど関係無しです。正月の三ヶ日なんてなんのその!本日から学校始まりました。ベルビューを知らない方の為に、簡単にベルビュー市の紹介。建築で有名なのが”浮き橋”(川に浮いてる橋で高速道路として使われてます。)マイクロソフト創設者ビルゲイツやイチローなどが住んでいるエリアとしても有名です。街全体がとても整備され計画的に作られ、億万長者級の住宅が一部立ち並んでおります。大学はベルビューにあるのですが、私個人としては、シアトルに 9 年住んでいるのでシアトルが一番好きです!シアトル観光アドバイス質問等は常に受付中です! あ。。結局、正月に関係無い話で終わってしまいました。。タイトル通り正月関係無しですね。:)あしからずです。
New year's feeling officially over
I am a Bellevue collage student and my major is interior design. Is school already begin today!? When I was in Japan, January 3rd was still in holiday and ate "Osechi"at home. Oh, let me explain about Osechi to people who don't know about it. Osechi is a traditional food for new year in Japan. The food is normally food boiled such as shrimp, bamboo shoot, steamed fish paste, and etc. Osechi is well decorated and looks food art. Osechi is in the bento box and the bento box is from one story to three stories. Also let me introduce you about Bellevue city. Bill Gaits who built Microsoft and Ichiro who is belong to the baseball team: Mariners live around Bellevue. Bellevue has been very organized and well planed as a metropolitan city. People regard Bellevue as a rich and beautiful city, but I love Seattle more. Because Seattle is the first city I start American life! It's been 9 years. Seattle is the BEST!! I'll tell you hot spot in Seattle whenever you come to Seattle. Oopus, I only talked about Osechi and Bellevue, well there's nothing left to talk about new year anymore then:)
Space Needle tower
in Seattle